Solving problems starts here.

People are full of questions.

There are the seemingly simple questions like:

How do take your coffee?

What do you like to read?

Who is your favorite band?

But are those questions really that simple?  I might like coffee in the morning prepared one way in the morning and a different in the evening.  I might enjoy reading business books poolside but fiction on airplanes.  I might have one favorite band per genre of music or per mood of the day.

When friends ask me these types questions, the most common answer I have is, “It depends.”

Then, there are the more difficult questions people tend to ask me, which are usually related to the practical side of running a business:

What software should I use?  

How do I find a bookkeeper?

Can I automate data entry?

Where do I start?

Whether we’re talking about food, books, or software, there’s no one answer that satisfies any one particular proposed question in these examples.

The same is true of solving business problems common among emerging companies.  There’s no one right way to get better financial reports, improve administrative efficiency, implement cloud tools, or decrease overhead costs.   

But you’re in the right place to begin finding answers.  I’m pleased to introduce you to, a sharp and approachable connection point specifically designed for the stakeholders of emerging companies and the tech-savvy advisors who deeply care about them.

This is our first post, and as a thank you for allowing me to say hello, we’re offering this free small business best practices guide from our friends at Links Advisory.  

Check back often for articles, videos, and podcasts about the best cloud tools for small business, how to improve cashflow, improving worfklow and processes, working with accountants and advisors, and more.  Afterall, all these things depend on each other.

The team here at is passionate about maximizing resources, and we’re dedicated to connecting small business owners with their finances and with knowledgeable advisors.  You’re invited to start here.


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